Which Specialist Doctor to Consult For Spondylitis?

 If you are suffering from ankylosing spondylitis, you may be wondering which best spine surgeon in bangalore  to see. While the condition can be painful, there are many treatment options available. Before you make a decision on a particular specialist, however, you should know the basics of the condition. For example, you should consult a rheumatologist if you suspect that you have ankylosing spondylitis. Rheumatologists are experts in diagnosing and treating this disease, as well as many other musculoskeletal conditions.

Your doctor may recommend seeing a rheumatologist. This specialist is skilled in evaluating and treating arthritic conditions, including ankylosing spondylitis. Among his specialties are Reactive Arthritis, Reiter's Syndrome, and other related disorders. Your doctor may also suggest that you undergo a CT scan or MRI to better determine the extent of your disease.

A spondyloarthritis clinic is a highly regarded place to seek treatment. This top spine surgeon in bangalore is certified in treating spondylitis and has undergone review by a Medical and Scientific Advisory Board. Ask if your doctor is fee-based or if he accepts new patients. Also, ask how many patients he sees each year. If he sees more than 500 patients per year, he is a good choice.

If you suffer from severe ankylosing spondylitis, your doctor may recommend physical therapy, which can help reduce pain and delay the deformity of your spine. The goal of therapy is to restore function and improve range of motion. Some patients may even find that lifestyle modifications, such as quitting smoking, can improve their condition. Ultimately, surgery is typically the only option if the symptoms persist or the disease becomes severe enough to interfere with daily activities.

Which Doctor to Consult For Spine in Bangalore?

While an MRI can be difficult to interpret and can be expensive, it is often necessary for a physician to perform it for accurate diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. However, this test is more expensive than X-rays and may not be necessary. If X-rays have indicated no damage, an MRI can help determine the exact cause of your AS. However, this procedure is also not an easy one to carry out, so if you have any doubts, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

In most cases, a doctor will perform a physical exam and order some diagnostic tests. The doctor may ask you to bend in multiple directions and apply pressure on specific points. A physician may also take X-rays to determine the health of the bones and joints. MRIs can produce more detailed images of the bones and joints. If your doctor does not think an MRI is necessary, you may want to see a rheumatologist instead.

The diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis requires imaging that shows damage to the sacroiliac joints. A rheumatologist will also ask you about the pain and inflammation in other parts of your body, including the ribs and heels. These symptoms are usually not visible in early stages, but the pain may be present for years before it manifests. In addition, an x-ray may reveal fusion of the SI joints.

 best spine surgeon in india


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