What Happens If the Spinal Cord is Damaged?

top spine surgeon in Bangalore -  If you have had an accident and the spinal cord is severely damaged, you might be wondering: What happens? A complete spinal cord injury means that you have no feeling or movement below the point of injury. This means that the messages in your body aren't getting through. Because of the damage to the nerves, you're unable to send messages back and forth. But if the spinal cord is not completely damaged, you can still feel sensation and move.

In a traumatic incident, the spinal cord nerves may be crushed or lacerated, or severed. In these cases, the spinal cord is not able to repair the damage. Depending on the severity of the injury, apoptosis can be slowed and the affected nerves can return to function. However, if the spinal cord is severely damaged, there is the possibility of long-term dysfunction.by top spine surgeon in Bangalore.

Because the brain sends signals to muscles, movement is mediated by the spinal cord. If the spinal cord is damaged, these signals cannot reach the brain and will instead travel through the spinal nerves below the injured area. This means that reflex movements - such as coughing or touching your foot - will not be controlled. Even if your body still has the ability to move, there's a chance that the spinal cord will be damaged and you'll be in need of mechanical assistance to function.

top spine surgeon in Bangalore =A spinal cord injury can occur anywhere - in the home or in the community. In these instances, call 911. When the paramedics arrive, do not move. The paramedics will work with extreme care to stabilize the injured person's body. They may have to realign the spine or remove objects that press on the spinal column. You will need to stay calm and be very careful, as the spinal cord is a delicate nerve, and any movement could further damage it.

There are five levels of SCI. Each level is categorized according to its degree of injury. The severity of the spinal cord injury is determined by the last fully functioning nerve. This may be the same or different on each side of the body. The cervical level has the highest risk, while the sacral level has the lowest. A spinal cord injury may even result in paraplegia, or a loss of lower body function.

Is There Any Side Effects of Spine Surgery?

The effects of a spinal cord injury are extensive and permanent. They include decreased movement and sensation, and reduced reflexes. The severity of the symptoms depends on where the injury has occurred. Higher levels of spinal cord injury cause more serious symptoms. Injuries to the cervical region affect respiratory and digestive muscles, while injuries to the lower half affect nerve control and sexual function. The recovery process depends on how the injury is treated, and the severity of the symptoms.

best spine surgeon in india - The cost of a spinal cord injury depends on the severity of the injury and its location. Early symptoms may not be felt until the condition is advanced. But at some point, the injury will lead to a critical level of damage and loss of function. The exact time of this stage will differ for each person. However, it's important to realize that spinal cord injuries may be as old as man. The costs of spinal cord injuries are significantly higher than those for comparable conditions.


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