7 Common Causes of Lower Back Pain

There are several common causes of lower back pain. In this article, we'll discuss Herniated Discs, Arthritis, Infections, and Repetitive Activities. In the following paragraphs, we'll explore each of these causes in turn. For further insight, consult your doctor or physical therapist. Listed below are seven of the most common causes of back pain. If you have been suffering from back pain for more than a week, read on to learn more about your options. Herniated disc - Best Spine surgeon in India Herniated discs are common causes of lower back pain. Although the prognosis depends on the type of disc herniation, most cases resolve with conservative management. If conservative management fails, surgical repair or interventional procedures are recommended. In the short term, epidural corticosteroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are effective, although surgery has a higher risk of neurological deficits and residual pain. A majority of patients recover from conservative ...